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China revealed a new “bullet” train called “CR400AF” that can be operated in difficult climatic conditions, according to what was reported by “CNN”.

The train, developed by the government-run China State Railways, runs 350 kilometers per hour and can operate even when the temperature drops to minus 40 degrees.

The “Fuxing” electric train is a high-speed electric train, and is scheduled to run on a new high-speed line linking the Chinese capital, Beijing, with northern and eastern destinations, including the cities of Shenyang and Harbin, which are marked by their annual ice festival.

The “China State Railways Beijing” group of “China State Railways” announced that the train contains many elements that help withstand the low temperature, such as nails made of chrome and silicone strips that prevent ice from entering the train, and the brake control devices are heat resistant. .

The body of the train is of streamlined design that helps reduce energy consumption, while the date of the train’s start-up has not been disclosed yet.