Daily Archives: February 19, 2021
The Telegram chat app has benefited from the increase in the number of new users leaving WhatsApp, but those who were hoping that their audio and video recordings would be safe with Telegram might want to reconsider using the app. According to experts, the “Telegram” platform is considered slightly less secure than it was originally thought, due to a bug that allows access to self-destructing audio and video messages long after the sender and recipient believed that these messages had been permanently deleted. The error, which affected the “macOS” version of the messaging service, comes a few weeks after millions of new users joined Telegram, following the announcement of a new privacy policy for the “WhatsApp” application, owned by “Facebook.” Security researcher Dheeraj Mishra discovered the latest privacy-threatening vulnerability in the Telegram app. This vulnerability is in macOS version 7.3. Telegram was notified of the problem on December 26, 2020. […]